CURRENT SITE: Fashion Institute of Technology
Abraham Franklin (colored). This young man, who was murdered by the mob on the corner of Twenty-Seventh Street and Seventh Avenue, was a quiet, inoffensive man of unexceptionable character. He was a cripple, but supported himself and his mother, being employed as a coachman.
A short time previous to the assault, he called upon his mother to see if anything could be done by him for her safety. The old lady said she considered herself to be perfectly safe, but if her time to die had come, she was ready to die. Her son then knelt down by her side, and implored the protection of Heaven in behalf of his mother. The old lady said it seemed that good angels were present in the room.

Scarcely had the supplicant risen from his knees, when the mob broke the door, seized him, beat him over the head and face with fists and clubs, and then hanged him in the prescence of his parent, While they were this engaged the military came and drove them away, cutting down the body of Franklin, who raised his arm once slightly and gave a few signs of life. The military then moved on to quell other riots, when the mob returned and again suspended the probably lifeless body of Franklin, cutting out pieces of flesh, and otherwise shockingly mutilating it. ###